### Banana Split Technique
The "Banana Split" is a submission that targets the groin muscles through a leg-stretching maneuver, often classified under the category of "splits" or "calf slicers." While it's primarily fashioned as a groin stretch, it sometimes leverages the opponent's discomfort for a tap out. It's important to perform this technique safely to avoid injuring the opponent.
### Position: *Back Mount*
### Step-by-Step Guide
#### **Setup:**
1. **Establish the Back Mount: **
- Secure the opponent's back by inserting your hooks (legs) into the inner thighs of the opponent, controlling their hips.
- Keep chest-to-back proximity to maintain control, having one arm over the shoulder and the other under the opposite armpit to clasp hands in a seatbelt grip.
2. **Transition to Control One Leg: **
- Release one of your legs (specifically the one of the choking arm) and switch to controlling the opponent's leg by reaching down, grabbing the ankle, and guiding it towards your shoulder, maintaining control with an overhook.
- Your goal is to have the opponent's leg around your head like you're about to attempt a calf slicer.
#### **Execution:**
3. **Control the Hips:**
- Wrap the same leg through the opponent's leg and streamline it under your armpit to establish control – think about getting the knee in a position behind your neck.
- With your free hand, stabilize by gripping the opponent's knee, avoiding them retracting it.
4. **Lock-Up for the Stretch: **
- Use your hook-free leg to trap or hook around their other leg (usually the kneecap or below) while extending with your controlled leg.
- The key is to stretch while maintaining grip - create a split position.
#### **Completion:**
5. **Apply the Stretch: **
- Begin extending your body backward slightly while maintaining grips on both legs. The opponent's legs should be spread apart, inducing a split in their groin area.
- Make sure to apply your power carefully for safety, monitoring steadily whether the opponent taps.
### Notes:
- **Safety First: ** Always ensure the opponent knows it's a split-based submission and be prepared to release immediately upon their tap or if they vocally call discomfort.
- **Alternate Variations: ** The Banana Split can be transitioned into from various leg entanglements, such as from the *Truck* position, often seen in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu.