### Single Leg Technique
The single-leg takedown, commonly referred to as "Single Leg," is a fundamental technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that is primarily utilized from a standing position. The objective is to isolate one of your opponent's legs to unbalance and bring them to the ground, granting you a positional advantage.
#### **Japanese Name**
- (Shinguru-reggu takedown)
#### **Position**:
- **Standing**
#### **Step-by-Step Instructions**
1. **Engage and Secure the Grip**
- Start from a standing position facing your opponent.
- Establish control by gripping your opponent’s gi or securing a collar tie with one hand.
- Use the opposite hand to grip behind the opponent’s knee on the targeted leg.
2. **Setup the Shot**
- Lower your level by bending at the knees and dropping your hips.
- Maintain a straight back and your head upright to ensure proper posture and balance.
3. **Step In**
- Step your lead leg (the one closer to the opponent’s target leg) between your opponent's legs.
- Ensure your lead foot is positioned outside the opponent’s target foot to prevent being sprawled on.
4. **Capture the Leg**
- As you step in, drive your shoulder into the opponent's waist while extending your arms around the target leg.
- Pull the opponent’s leg towards you while continuing to pivot around it.
5. **Execute the Takedown**
- With your shoulder pressed into the opponent's waist, use your other leg to block your opponent’s second leg to disturb their balance.
- Simultaneously, lift the captured leg up while pulling it towards your chest.
- Apply forward pressure, driving your shoulder into your opponent's midsection to complete the takedown.
6. **Control and Transition**
- Once your opponent hits the ground, immediately transition to a dominant position, such as side control or mount, for further control.
- Maintain grip on the leg until you're established in a top position to prevent any counter-movements by your opponent.
#### **Notes and Tips**
- Ensure you are balanced and maintain proper posture throughout the technique to minimize counter-attacks.
- Swift movements and control over the grip are crucial to outmaneuver your opponent before they react.
- Practice circling without breaking contact to pivot your opponent smoothly off their balance.
By understanding the principles and steps of the single leg takedown, as well as consistent practice, you'll enhance your ability to control and takedown opponents effectively in both gi and no-gi scenarios.